My Work
Check out some of my projects!
ERC-20 based token
I created my own cryptocurrency token using the ERC-20 standard along with Ganache and Truffle
Cost of 1 Mokacoin(MKC) is = 1000000 WEI. :)
API Visualizer
The Cateina API graph generator will generate a tree diagram with each node as a separate data entity connected to other data entities connected to each other via links.
The nodes display attributes namely the name, the type of node as an image and are connected to each other via links according to their tree-based hierarchy.
I made this project during an internship with cateina technologies
Blockchain Based Resume Verification System
This is my final year project!
The title says it all! Claims made on your resume will be veified by your boss for them to have a 'Verified' tag
Added a reputation system for incetivising activity on the website as well as grading resumes.
The relationship of various cryptocurrencies with bitcoin
In this paper, I aim to find the various relationships that exist between several cryptocurrencies. By considering data of a pre-specified period, we aim to show the hidden pattern that exists between currencies where a rise/fall in one currency is accompanied by a similar variation in some other currency. We will be using Linear Regression to ultimately train and test our model.